Suznne Pfister is the President and CEO of St. Luke’s Health Initiatives (SLHI). SLHI is a $110 million public foundation focused on Arizona health policy, technical assistance for non-profits and strength-based community engagement and systems change.
Prior to this, she was Vice President of External Affairs for Dignity Health Arizona. In this capacity she was responsible for federal, state, and local government relations and outreach to the business community for the Arizona market. She also was the Vice President for Marketing and Communications at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center for many years, and served as a community relations consultant for more than a decade.
She currently serves on The Arizona We Want Institute’s Board of Advisors, the Leadership Council of The Real Arizona Coalition, the Arizona Grantmakers Forum Board of the Directors and the Arizona Bioscience Roadmap Steering Committee.
Suzanne leads MERC’s marketing team and social media work.